Friday, June 4, 2010

Flash Forward

I was disappointed with the TV programme Flash Forward but I like the title.

I've decided to Flash Forward to 2010 and our visit to Bel-Air last week. Incidentally, Bel-Air is not a name we gave to the's on all the road signs even though there are only two houses.

The other house is for sale after the death of Joel. His brother had planned to renovate the place but decided against it  given the circumstances of his brother's death. We've seriously considered buying it but it will mean selling up here in England straight away. MIL will not consider coming with us therefore we are resigned to having new neighbours in France at some point.

As soon as I organise the photographs, I'll post details of what work we carried out this time round.

Here is a brief outline...
1. Rake, Jet-wash and backfill the stonework at the back of the property ready for pointing in July.
2. Dig a soak-away with pipework leading to it.
3. Level the worst of the undulating  (moles) grass area.
4. Dig out the patio area.
5. Define the shape of the patio with retaining stone.
6. Submit plans to the Mairie for storage areas.
7. Buy materials ready for the July visit.
8. Put something on the walls to personalise the place.


Jean said...

Hi Ken, I'm just catching up on some of my favourite blogs, having had almost 3 weeks off - one in France, one of disasters at home (including Dad being rushed to hospital courtesy of the blue flashing lights service. He's ok now.)and one of no internet. I was expecting to find more about your French adventures somewhere - must keep looking. And you're off again in July - same as us. Have a great trip.

Ken Devine said...

Hi Jean, sorry to hear about your Dad but I'm glad he's okay now.

I can't believe I haven't visited here since June 17th. I must visit and update more often.

Thanks for dropping by and enjoy the July visit...not long now!